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SiGNAL Tech Tips: Contact Scoring  

Are you contact scoring your prospects on your database?

Here’s why you should be 


Do you know how engaged your database is?

It’s easy enough to collect data but how you manage and review it is important. Recently at SiGNAL, we have been revising our contact scoring methodology and while researching the best strategy I found this interesting article on the topic.


We found that our CRM system was capable of a lot more insight than we had originally set it up for, and the resulting impact on our sales and marketing processes has been amazing.  

Contact scoring (also known lead scoring) is the process of determining how likely a particular contact is to buy your service or product.

You can use metrics like website visits, events attendance and email clicks to evaluate the journey any database prospect takes with you before they buy. The results your contact scoring methodology generates can then be used to generate highly relevant marketing and sales campaigns.  

Some CRMs automatically make assumptions for you based on prospect behaviour; others require a manual set up. This process requires close attention to marketing fundamentals and a review of your marketing and sales processes. What are the most significant criteria for your prospects to fulfil to become a paying customer?

What steps do you want your prospects to take on their journey with you? How easy are you making it for them to take those steps?

How are you going to set up a set of conditions that measure the right criteria?  

The process of working out what criteria you value most highly in your prospects is a highly useful way to spend an afternoon and you will find that the resulting insights have a swift and positive impact on your marketing outputs too.  

Your CRM database will almost certainly offer a contact scoring facility - if you can’t see it or work it out just use the trusty search box. You may have to do some research as to how to set it all up, as we did, but in my view it will definitely be worth it.

You have probably invested a lot of time and money in your database, so it makes sense to get it really working for you. 


It’s not only prospects that deliver insights through contact scoring, once you have it set up you can also see which customers are most engaged with your content, and perhaps more importantly, which ones aren’t. What could you do with those insights?

You can see how this data could really inform your next marketing campaign - or customer retention strategy!


I hope this SiGNAL Tech Tip has given you some food for thought. If you would like to meet more people locally to add to your database, come along to the next SiGNAL networking event for local business - details here (CLICK HERE) 

You can even add a tag on your database ‘connected at SiGNAL’!

I’ll leave it to you to decide how valuable that criteria might be to you. 

More from the SiGNAL Blog on this topic 


SiGNAL Tech Tips is a series of articles sharing quick tech wins for business owners that can be implemented in less than a day with minimal tech support.